woensdag 17 april 2013

Don´t touch my hair | inspiration

Today some hairinspiration, beceause I'm busy now..As you know I am going to London Monday, so I am going to plan some posts forward. So I won't comment on your blog for a week, but you can expect some posts that week on my blog. And as I promised I am going to make a lot of pictures, so you will hear from me as soon as I can!
Do you enjoy the weather too? It's beautiful! A lot of flowers, birds are whistle, blue sky, and sun! I enjoy it very much!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Ah, wauw, wat leuk! Ik wou dat ik mijn haar zo kon doen (maar helaas, nee)
    LIefs, Manon

  2. Mooie inspiratie! Mijn haar doe ik vaak zoals op de eerste foto :)

  3. Ahh zo mooi! Als ik al die kapsels toch zou kunnen maken.. lovely!


Really thank you for your comment! It means a lot to me :) I always visit your blog too, and maybe I'll leave a comment! X'